Asheville, NC
8:30 am - 12:00 pm
2:30 pm - 5:00 pm
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Dr. Brent Myers is originally from northeastern Ohio. He attended the University of Akron where he received a degree in Fire Science and Protection. After an extensive lower back injury, he explored many options to help his lower back and herniated disc. After several attempts at various healthcare options, to no avail, he gave chiropractic a try. At this point he realized how significant chiropractic care was in restoring him to maximum health without the suggested surgery he needed on his herniated disc. After a successful outcome without surgery, he decided to make a career move from the fire service to chiropractic so he could provide the same life changing care that he received to others who needed it.
Dr. Myers went on to pursue his degree in Chiropractic in St. Louis, Missouri at Logan University. While in St. Louis, Dr. Myers extensively studied soft tissue injuries in combination with chiropractic care. He became certified in Active Release Techniques®, a soft tissue management system and Graston technique. Dr. Myers put a special emphasis in studying movement pattern distortions in various types of patients, from the elite athlete to the "average joe". His advanced post graduate study included how to integrate Chiropractic care along with soft tissue techniques to get the patient well as fast as possible and eliminate injury and mechanical dysfunction in the body.
Dr. Myers' chiropractic techniques include: Diversified technique, COX Flexion Distraction Technique, and Thompson Technique.
The soft tissue techniques (myofascial release techniques) has been trained in and utilizes with his patients are: ART® Active Release Techniques, The FAKTR Method, FAT Tool (Fascial Abrasion Technique), Graston Techniques, and Dry Needling. These techniques successfully treat a multitude of musculoskeletal conditions including: plantar fasciitis, carpal tunnel, rotator cuff injuries, knee and hip problems, including IT band syndrome; as well as headaches and low back pain. In addition to manual therapy he also uses biomechanical tape (Dynamic Tape) on his patients to improve ROM, eliminate pain and improve performance.
Dr. Myers has received the certification of Chiropractic Sports Physician (CCSP®), which is obtained by completing 120 of post graduate work in the emphasis of Chiropractic Sports Medicine. This training enhances the Doctor's knowledge and treatment of sports related injuries and conditions.
Dr. Myers uses the Selective Functional Movement Assessment (SFMA) to get a better understanding of the patient's current problem(s) as well as their dysfunctions from a global perspective. SFMA provides an extremely effective way to assess the entire body as a whole; to get a clearer picture of the patient's current problem and how it may be affecting other parts of the body.
Dr. Myers has also works with the Asheville Tourists (Colorado Rockies Minor League Affiliate). He has provided both Chiropractic Care and Active Release Techniques to these players since 2008.
Dr. Myers is the Chiropractor and Myofascial Release Therapist for the Clemson University Men's Basketball Team as well as UNC Asheville's Athletic Department.